How We Grew The Organic Traffic from a mere 5k to 20k/month for Madpackers Hostels

Madpackers Case Study

Client Overview

Madpackers Hostels Private Limited is a renowned chain of backpackers’ hostels spread across 15+ locations in India, including popular destinations like Manali, Amritsar, Rishikesh, and Goa. Founded in 2014, their mission is to encourage solo travel among Indians, particularly targeting the 18-30 age group who have a passion for exploring new places.

Known for its unique vibe and exceptional guest experience, Madpackers has largely grown through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Initial Situation

Before engaging with Derivate X, Madpackers Hostels had minimal organic traffic, with most visitors finding them through branded keywords such as “Madpackers Hostels“, “Madpackers Rishikesh“, etc.

They had no comprehensive SEO strategy or content marketing plan in place, which hindered their visibility in non-branded search queries and overall organic growth.

Goals and Objectives

Madpackers sought to enhance their SEO performance and adhere to best practices in order to boost their organic traffic. While there were no specific KPIs outlined, the overarching goal was to increase non-branded organic traffic and improve keyword rankings significantly.

Strategy and Execution

1. Website Optimization and Setup

  • Technical Setup: We began by optimizing Madpackers’ website, setting up Google Search Console, and configuring Google Analytics to track performance effectively.
  • On-Page SEO: Improved website copy for better SEO optimization, ensuring relevant keywords were naturally integrated into the content.

2. Keyword Research and Content Creation

  • Conducted comprehensive keyword research to identify high-potential search terms relevant to the travel and hostel industry.
  • Developed and published blog posts targeting these keywords, focusing on valuable content that would attract and engage their target audience.

3. Backlink Building

Implemented a backlink strategy to enhance the website’s authority and improve search engine rankings. This involved reaching out to relevant websites for guest posting and link-building opportunities.

Implementation Steps

  • Technical Setup: Website optimization, Search Console, and Google Analytics setup.
  • On-Page Optimization: Improved website copy and integrated targeted keywords.
  • Content Strategy: Created and published SEO-optimized blog posts.
  • Backlink Building: Engaged in strategic link-building activities.


Madpackers SEO Growth screenshot

The campaign achieved outstanding results within four months:

  • Organic Traffic: Increased from less than 5,000 to over 20,000 per month.
  • Keyword Rankings: Number of keywords ranking on Google surged from 250 to 3,288.
  • Backlinks: Significant increase in referring domains, enhancing domain authority.

Client Feedback

Madpackers Hostels expressed high satisfaction with the results and provided the following testimonial:

“They take time and effort to truly understand their partners’ needs and create a strategy accordingly. I like working with them because of their honest work ethic, punctuality, and diligence. Would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to harness the power of non-linear marketing, growth hacking, and a holistic digital strategy.”

Mayank Sahai, CEO, Madpackers

Key Takeaways

This case study highlights the transformative impact of a well-executed SEO and content strategy. By focusing on technical optimization, targeted content creation, and strategic backlink building, Derivate X successfully elevated Madpackers’ organic traffic and keyword rankings, establishing a strong foundation for ongoing digital growth.

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